It's has been 2 months since aku last login.. keadaan masih sama.. bz ngan kereja.. perkembangan politik pon masih sama... cuma sekarang nih lebih fokus kepada keadaan ekonomi dunia. 2009 akan menjelma dengan keadaan ekonomi yang tidak begitu memberasangkan... dah ramai yang kena retrench.. tiada tanda ekonomi akan bertambah baik.
Aku dah melalui pengalaman dimana kena retrench laki bini... hidup amat susah sekali.... menumpang la aku di rumah adek aku di kelantan selama 2 tahun dengan tiada pekerjaan tetap.. semasa tuh aku ada 2 orang anak. Setelah hampir dua tahun aku di Kelantan.. Aku berpindah kembali ke Kuala Lumpur. Sekali lagi menumpang di rumah Ibu bapa aku.
Itu la pengalaman aku semasa kena retrench dahulu. Semuga aku tidak perlu menghadapinyer lagi dengan keluarga yang bertambah besar dah tanggungan kewangan yg juga semakin besar.
Kita tunggu aja yg akan mendatang 2009.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Lama aku tak update blog. Kerja yang banyak dengan deadline yg amat dekat tidak memberi kesempatan untuk aku nak ber blog sekerap mungkin. Dalam seminggu dua nih kita lihat ramai yang sibuk berhari raya. Open house sana sini... Kisah Umno dengan pemilihannya... Kisah MCA dengan pemilihannya. Cuma MIC jer sunyi sepi.
MCA dah dapat presiden dan timbalan presiden baru. Mungkin dalam bulan March 2009 Umno akan dapat PM baru.. Dengan PM baru Malaysia akan mengalami perubahan????? (Inin PM dari Umno dan Barisan Nasional) atau kita kan dapat PM baru (DSAI)... InsyaALLAh. sama-sama la kita berdoa kan..
Tapi bila? Disember? January? February? March?
Rakyat semakin resah dan tak senang duduk... apa yang kita boleh buat? Penantian itu satu penyiksaan.
Untuk 5 negeri yang di perintah oleh PAS, PKR dan DAP.. mereka perlu berkerja keras, bekerjasama, selaraskan idea... ini amat penting kerana rakyat melihat dan menilai kerja-kerja kita. Jangan cepat melatah.. Supaya tahun 2013 kita tidak kehilangan satu pon dari 5 buah negeri nih... dan berharap agar kita dapat dapat tambah satu atau dua negeri lagi. InsyaAllah..
Lama aku tak update blog. Kerja yang banyak dengan deadline yg amat dekat tidak memberi kesempatan untuk aku nak ber blog sekerap mungkin. Dalam seminggu dua nih kita lihat ramai yang sibuk berhari raya. Open house sana sini... Kisah Umno dengan pemilihannya... Kisah MCA dengan pemilihannya. Cuma MIC jer sunyi sepi.
MCA dah dapat presiden dan timbalan presiden baru. Mungkin dalam bulan March 2009 Umno akan dapat PM baru.. Dengan PM baru Malaysia akan mengalami perubahan????? (Inin PM dari Umno dan Barisan Nasional) atau kita kan dapat PM baru (DSAI)... InsyaALLAh. sama-sama la kita berdoa kan..
Tapi bila? Disember? January? February? March?
Rakyat semakin resah dan tak senang duduk... apa yang kita boleh buat? Penantian itu satu penyiksaan.
Untuk 5 negeri yang di perintah oleh PAS, PKR dan DAP.. mereka perlu berkerja keras, bekerjasama, selaraskan idea... ini amat penting kerana rakyat melihat dan menilai kerja-kerja kita. Jangan cepat melatah.. Supaya tahun 2013 kita tidak kehilangan satu pon dari 5 buah negeri nih... dan berharap agar kita dapat dapat tambah satu atau dua negeri lagi. InsyaAllah..
Monday, October 13, 2008
Shah Rukh Khan dapat datuk???.... Malaysia dah kekurangan orang yg berjasa semenjak Pak Lah naik jadi PM.. jadi kepada Shah Rukh Khan la title datuk di beri. Kesian kepada orang yang bekerja siang dan malam untuk menjaga kebersihan bandar-bandar di malaysia... mereka ni lebih layak kalo nak di bandingkan dengan SRK nih. Ini la dia kebodohan pemimpin yang ada di Malaysia.. ni yg di kata.. tak mengenang jasa.. Apa la jasa SRK nih... Pemimpin macam ni buat malu bangsa dan negara jer.
Kenapa kita perlu ada pemimpin mcm ni? Kenapa ada rakyat yang masih mengundi pemimpin macam nih? Mengapa perlu kita ada pemimpin mcm nih... kesian rakyat Malaysia... kesian pengundi di Malaysia.
Kenapa kita perlu ada pemimpin mcm ni? Kenapa ada rakyat yang masih mengundi pemimpin macam nih? Mengapa perlu kita ada pemimpin mcm nih... kesian rakyat Malaysia... kesian pengundi di Malaysia.
Friday, October 10, 2008
PM dan TPM Malaysia
Berita pengumuman Pak Lah tidak bertanding untuk calon Presiden Umno tidak mengejutkan. Cuma masa dan ketika jer. Jadi sapa korang rasa jadi PM Malaysia? Najib Razak, Ku Li atau Dsai? TPM plak sapa yer? Muhyidin Yassin atau Mat Taib... nauzubillah kalau Mat Taib jadi TPM.. nak masuk negara orang pon tak gheti.. Apa nak jadi ngan Umno Selangor.. BUKAK MATA.. BUKAK TELINGA wehhh!!!! UMNO SELANGOR... dah takde orang lain ke korang nak calon... Layak ker Mat Taib nih jadi TPM.. cuba la korang singkap kembali kebodohan Mat Taib nih wahai UMNO SELANGOR... awat dok bebal sangat...!!!!!
Yang pasti aku tak mau sapa-sapa dari Umno jadi PM.. masa untuk peralihan sudah tiba... DSAI wut are u waiting for? 13th October is just around the corner.. before Malaysia become bancrupt like Iceland.. this is the time to save MALAYSIA!!!! Muhyidin Yasin.. hmmm.. entah la.. aku tak nampak kaliber dia sebagai seorang TPM.. jauh sekali PM. Kuli for PM.. maybe he is too old already... dah 70++ umur.. aku rasa baik Ku Li tumpu kat menda yg lebih faedah.
DSAI maybe is the right person... yer mungkin dia ada sejarah semasa dengan UMNO dulu.. dan selama dalam tahanan mungkin menyebabkan dia berubah to be a better person, father, husband and leader himself. Mungkin ada yang setuju dan mungkin ada yg tidak setuju ngan aku... tapi dlm PR sendiri kita mempunyai ramai intelektual yg boleh membantu DSAI membentuk kerajaan.
PKR, PAS dan DAP mesti bekerjasama untuk memastikan yg kita bertukar kerajaan.. sebelum.. negara kita Malaysia ni hancur di tangan mereka ni...
Yang pasti aku tak mau sapa-sapa dari Umno jadi PM.. masa untuk peralihan sudah tiba... DSAI wut are u waiting for? 13th October is just around the corner.. before Malaysia become bancrupt like Iceland.. this is the time to save MALAYSIA!!!! Muhyidin Yasin.. hmmm.. entah la.. aku tak nampak kaliber dia sebagai seorang TPM.. jauh sekali PM. Kuli for PM.. maybe he is too old already... dah 70++ umur.. aku rasa baik Ku Li tumpu kat menda yg lebih faedah.
DSAI maybe is the right person... yer mungkin dia ada sejarah semasa dengan UMNO dulu.. dan selama dalam tahanan mungkin menyebabkan dia berubah to be a better person, father, husband and leader himself. Mungkin ada yang setuju dan mungkin ada yg tidak setuju ngan aku... tapi dlm PR sendiri kita mempunyai ramai intelektual yg boleh membantu DSAI membentuk kerajaan.
PKR, PAS dan DAP mesti bekerjasama untuk memastikan yg kita bertukar kerajaan.. sebelum.. negara kita Malaysia ni hancur di tangan mereka ni...
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Pak Lah to go Come March

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 8 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi will not defend the Umno presidency.
He told leaders of the Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties here today that he will quit as party president by March next year.
This will pave the way for Datuk Seri Najib Razak, who is favoured to win the party presidency, to take over as Prime Minister if BN remains in power then.
"I will not stand for the presidency of Umno in the coming elections. My current term as Umno president ends in March next year," he told reporters after the meeting.
Bringing the curtains down on over 45 years of civil service and governance, he said that his decision was to make sure there would be no split in either Umno or BN.
"I have always been guided by my conscience. I do not want a divided party and governing coalition but one that is united. This is not the time for infighting," he explained.
He reiterated that between now and March, he would continue to push his reform platform.
Abdullah promised to table in Parliament legislation for the formation of a Judicial Appointment Commission and an anti-corruption body modelled after Hong Kong's Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC).The prime minister said he hoped to hand over the reins to his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
"I say hope because he is standing for election as president of Umno first. I believe he can win," he said, adding that the hand-over of the premiership would be discussed after Najib was elected as his successor by Umno.
According to Abdullah, the supreme council had accepted Najib as the designated successor.
When asked what he would do if nominated by Umno divisions for the party polls, he replied, "I have made my decision and I have said so. What can I do if they nominate me when I have informed them of my decision at such an early stage?"
He however, admitted that he had not done well enough in the March 8 general elections, where BN lost its two-thirds majority in Parliament and ceded five state governments to the opposition.
"So it's time somebody else takes over. We need a new generation of leaders and there's nothing wrong with that."
"I do not regret what I've done. How the people act and respond to that is up to them to decide," he replied when asked if he was sorry that he had opened up and liberalised the country.
"I feel alright. BN still leads, it is the party that has formed the government and will remain strong until next General Election." <-- Finally!!! The old man have made his decision.. willingly or forcefully... We have seen some flip-flop, undecisived decision making from the PM and who will be the next Prime Minister of Malaysia? Tan Sri Najib?? Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Ku Li or even Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim??? Well the best guy for the job is for sure DSAI. 5 months to go.. anything can happen!!! He might at the end decide to run again... as for we know how good he is in making some flip flop decision. Should TSN became PM it will become the end of RPK. Will Malaysia be forever free from bribery? cronism? ISA? back stabbing in politics? money politics? Will the economy recover again? Do Malaysian will have to pay more for petrol or less? We will have to wait and see.
He told leaders of the Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties here today that he will quit as party president by March next year.
This will pave the way for Datuk Seri Najib Razak, who is favoured to win the party presidency, to take over as Prime Minister if BN remains in power then.
"I will not stand for the presidency of Umno in the coming elections. My current term as Umno president ends in March next year," he told reporters after the meeting.
Bringing the curtains down on over 45 years of civil service and governance, he said that his decision was to make sure there would be no split in either Umno or BN.
"I have always been guided by my conscience. I do not want a divided party and governing coalition but one that is united. This is not the time for infighting," he explained.
He reiterated that between now and March, he would continue to push his reform platform.
Abdullah promised to table in Parliament legislation for the formation of a Judicial Appointment Commission and an anti-corruption body modelled after Hong Kong's Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC).The prime minister said he hoped to hand over the reins to his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
"I say hope because he is standing for election as president of Umno first. I believe he can win," he said, adding that the hand-over of the premiership would be discussed after Najib was elected as his successor by Umno.
According to Abdullah, the supreme council had accepted Najib as the designated successor.
When asked what he would do if nominated by Umno divisions for the party polls, he replied, "I have made my decision and I have said so. What can I do if they nominate me when I have informed them of my decision at such an early stage?"
He however, admitted that he had not done well enough in the March 8 general elections, where BN lost its two-thirds majority in Parliament and ceded five state governments to the opposition.
"So it's time somebody else takes over. We need a new generation of leaders and there's nothing wrong with that."
"I do not regret what I've done. How the people act and respond to that is up to them to decide," he replied when asked if he was sorry that he had opened up and liberalised the country.
"I feel alright. BN still leads, it is the party that has formed the government and will remain strong until next General Election." <-- Finally!!! The old man have made his decision.. willingly or forcefully... We have seen some flip-flop, undecisived decision making from the PM and who will be the next Prime Minister of Malaysia? Tan Sri Najib?? Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Ku Li or even Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim??? Well the best guy for the job is for sure DSAI. 5 months to go.. anything can happen!!! He might at the end decide to run again... as for we know how good he is in making some flip flop decision. Should TSN became PM it will become the end of RPK. Will Malaysia be forever free from bribery? cronism? ISA? back stabbing in politics? money politics? Will the economy recover again? Do Malaysian will have to pay more for petrol or less? We will have to wait and see.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Malaysians believe BN's ethnic management key to stability
By Shannon Teoh
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 8 - Two-thirds of Malaysians polled in a recent survey agree that the Barisan Nasional (BN) method of managing ethnic diversity is a key factor in political stability.
A survey by the Merdeka Centre also revealed that 55 per cent of Malaysians it surveyed agreed that BN represents the voice of all ethnic communities and is the best platform for inter-ethnic cooperation and power-sharing.
The survey also suggested Malaysians polled were evenly split when it came to the question of whether BN should become a single multi-racial party.
A total of 51 per cent agreed that BN should become a single party while 42per cent disagreed.
"It reflects that when BN was strong and united, we were politically stable. There was peace and we all made a good living and it helped grow the economy and kept everyone happy," Labis MP Chua Tee Yong said.
Across the board, Chinese and Indians were not as supportive of BN while Bumiputeras, including those from East Malaysia, were happier with BN.
"It shows that BN is not a total disaster. If the majority of one community says it is still a working solution, you can't totally chuck it out," political analyst Khoo Kay Peng offered.
"The problem is they've taken racial politics to an extreme where the other communities are consistently disagreeing.
"Since BN sells on racial consensus it is a big problem even though you are still workable now because it means the slide will continue and boil over resulting in the Chinese moving to other parties."
However, Pulai MP Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed said that this was only natural as Bumiputeras, being the majority community, must take the lead in any change.
"Bumis believe that the BN model is correct and any positive reform in ethnic relationships must start with them. And once these changes are in place, then the Chinese and Indians will return to the fold."<<-- I think bumis should have a change of heart.. try something new.. thinking outside the box. Thats's why bumis are lagging behind. Being held by this so call "adat". Typical malay words "takpe" always being use and i dunno why? is it the mentality of malays? It's always been Malays, Chinese, Indians and other ethnics. Why it shouldn't be malaysian. Why do we have to go to this racial tensions.. creating uneasiness between us?
By Shannon Teoh
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 8 - Two-thirds of Malaysians polled in a recent survey agree that the Barisan Nasional (BN) method of managing ethnic diversity is a key factor in political stability.
A survey by the Merdeka Centre also revealed that 55 per cent of Malaysians it surveyed agreed that BN represents the voice of all ethnic communities and is the best platform for inter-ethnic cooperation and power-sharing.
The survey also suggested Malaysians polled were evenly split when it came to the question of whether BN should become a single multi-racial party.
A total of 51 per cent agreed that BN should become a single party while 42per cent disagreed.
"It reflects that when BN was strong and united, we were politically stable. There was peace and we all made a good living and it helped grow the economy and kept everyone happy," Labis MP Chua Tee Yong said.
Across the board, Chinese and Indians were not as supportive of BN while Bumiputeras, including those from East Malaysia, were happier with BN.
"It shows that BN is not a total disaster. If the majority of one community says it is still a working solution, you can't totally chuck it out," political analyst Khoo Kay Peng offered.
"The problem is they've taken racial politics to an extreme where the other communities are consistently disagreeing.
"Since BN sells on racial consensus it is a big problem even though you are still workable now because it means the slide will continue and boil over resulting in the Chinese moving to other parties."
However, Pulai MP Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed said that this was only natural as Bumiputeras, being the majority community, must take the lead in any change.
"Bumis believe that the BN model is correct and any positive reform in ethnic relationships must start with them. And once these changes are in place, then the Chinese and Indians will return to the fold."<<-- I think bumis should have a change of heart.. try something new.. thinking outside the box. Thats's why bumis are lagging behind. Being held by this so call "adat". Typical malay words "takpe" always being use and i dunno why? is it the mentality of malays? It's always been Malays, Chinese, Indians and other ethnics. Why it shouldn't be malaysian. Why do we have to go to this racial tensions.. creating uneasiness between us?
Anwar clears first hurdle in sodomy trial
Anwar clears first hurdle in sodomy trial
Beh Lih Yi Oct 7, 08 12:12am
updated 7.55pm The court rules in his favour by rejecting a preliminary objection by the prosecution, paving the way for the opposition leader to argue why he is against the transfer of his case to a higher court. <<--- Is this a good sign for us? I hope so.. it's been quiet in the front line since hari raya. The attempt to make the trial difficult for DSAI have been rejected by the court. This is the first step to a fair trial hopefully. The malaysia judiciary system have been in shambles... and minister of justice department have resign... well it seems that the reform for judiciary system won't happen. I can't imagine the person who want to reform did not get any support fron his own party... and where should this guy go to? Maybe to PR who want to reform our beloved Malaysia. We hope for the better future for our country sake.. children sake...
Beh Lih Yi Oct 7, 08 12:12am
updated 7.55pm The court rules in his favour by rejecting a preliminary objection by the prosecution, paving the way for the opposition leader to argue why he is against the transfer of his case to a higher court. <<--- Is this a good sign for us? I hope so.. it's been quiet in the front line since hari raya. The attempt to make the trial difficult for DSAI have been rejected by the court. This is the first step to a fair trial hopefully. The malaysia judiciary system have been in shambles... and minister of justice department have resign... well it seems that the reform for judiciary system won't happen. I can't imagine the person who want to reform did not get any support fron his own party... and where should this guy go to? Maybe to PR who want to reform our beloved Malaysia. We hope for the better future for our country sake.. children sake...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Selamat Hari Raya
Esok dah masuk 1 Syawal.. seperi biasa kita menyambut Hari Raya `Idul Fitri. 16Sept sudah berlalu.. Tiada apa yang berlaku... kenyataan kah atau cuma mimpi? Dan Pak Lah plak dah extend Umno punya Election kepada bulan March. Apa tujuan beliau? Nak dpt pencalonan sebanyak 58 itu ker atau atas pengaruh anak dan menantu kesayangan. Mcmana pulak dengan PKR, PAS dan DAP? Masing-masing meghadapi tekanan dan masalah yang perlu di uruskan di negeri masing-masing.
Ini la cabaran yang perlu di hadapi dan di selesaikan. Mungking kena tumpukan dalam pentadbiran ke 5 buah negeri sebelum nak uruskan Federal Government. Ambil Kelantan sebagai contoh... cara Tuan Guru Nik Aziz menguruskan Kelantan. Pendekatan Tuan Guru harus di jadikan sebagai contoh. Sebagai manusia kita banyak kekurangan.. tapi kita harus belajar dari kelemahan dan kesilapan untuk memjadikan kita lebih berjaya.
Perubahan di perlukan... kita dah tgk banyak kerajaan atau kuasa-kuasa besar tumbang setelah sekian lama menguasai atau memerintah. Sebagai contoh.. Rom, Greek... dan sebagainya. Kita sebagai rakyat perlukan perubahan... jangan di sogok dengan perkataan perkauman...
Generasi sekarang bukan generasi 1950an... Pemikiran sudah bertukar... Idea semakin maju dan canggih..
Ini la cabaran yang perlu di hadapi dan di selesaikan. Mungking kena tumpukan dalam pentadbiran ke 5 buah negeri sebelum nak uruskan Federal Government. Ambil Kelantan sebagai contoh... cara Tuan Guru Nik Aziz menguruskan Kelantan. Pendekatan Tuan Guru harus di jadikan sebagai contoh. Sebagai manusia kita banyak kekurangan.. tapi kita harus belajar dari kelemahan dan kesilapan untuk memjadikan kita lebih berjaya.
Perubahan di perlukan... kita dah tgk banyak kerajaan atau kuasa-kuasa besar tumbang setelah sekian lama menguasai atau memerintah. Sebagai contoh.. Rom, Greek... dan sebagainya. Kita sebagai rakyat perlukan perubahan... jangan di sogok dengan perkataan perkauman...
Generasi sekarang bukan generasi 1950an... Pemikiran sudah bertukar... Idea semakin maju dan canggih..
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Dari Rm2.55 ke Rm2.45 (turun sepuluh sen sahaja)
Semalam 24 Sept 2008 Kerajaan mengumumkan penurunan harga petrol dari Rm2.55 kepada Rm2.45. Penurunan sebanyak Rm0.10. masih terlalu rendah penurunan harga minyak ni.. dan harga barang tetap sama tidak berubah.. kenapa tak di turunkan sebanyak 15sen... kan senang nak kira. Kemana pergi baki 5 sen tuh? Walaubagaimana pon kita tetap akan menggunakan petrol dan diesel untuk kenderaan kita. Membeli barang untuk keperluan kita.
Kerajaan kata turunkan harga minyak sebab untuk Hari Lebaran.. sempena Hari Raya... hmmm... kadang2 terfikir betul ke tidak apa Kerajaan ni buat???? sama ada betul atau tidak... rakyat tetap dalam keadaan sama... makin lama... makin susah... bukan makin lama makin senang...
Kita tunggu apa pulak Kerajaan nak buat selepas nih...
Kerajaan kata turunkan harga minyak sebab untuk Hari Lebaran.. sempena Hari Raya... hmmm... kadang2 terfikir betul ke tidak apa Kerajaan ni buat???? sama ada betul atau tidak... rakyat tetap dalam keadaan sama... makin lama... makin susah... bukan makin lama makin senang...
Kita tunggu apa pulak Kerajaan nak buat selepas nih...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Utusan Malaysia... Surat khabar Umno.. dari dulu..kini... dan selamanyer... BOIKOT Utusan Malaysia.. berhenti membaca Utusan Malaysia yg penuh membawa berita hasutan, provokasi...
Abdullah Badawi - Defence Minister and Najib - Finance Minister
SEPT 17 — Mid-2010 is the finish line but the transfer of power from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak kicked in today.
By handing over the powerful finance portfolio to Najib, Abdullah was making good on a promise to flesh out his transition plan and give the DPM more important responsibilities to prepare him for the top job in the country.
It was also a concession:
• To someone who has stuck by him through a tumultuous six months since the debacle of Election 2008, when calls for him to step down as president of Umno and the PM have grown louder and more bellicose. And whose support he still needs to fend off the challenge of Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin;
• To concerns among investors and the public that someone new was needed at the helm of the finance ministry to inject confidence in the handling of the economy.
The Malaysian Insider understands that the ministry swap – Najib going to finance and Abdullah taking over defence – was discussed during three meetings in recent days between both men.
Top of the agenda in those discussions was the transition plan. Najib said that he was committed to the plan but noted that the he and Abdullah needed to do much more to regain ground with Umno members and Malaysians.
Abdullah told Najib during one of these sessions that he did not intend to stay on longer than necessary. And as soon as he completed the task of reforming the judiciary, setting up the Anti-Corruption Commission and the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission, he would hand over power to Najib.
This effectively means handing over power even before mid-2010.
Najib was at pains not to set a new timetable but added that it would be useful for him to be given more duties and responsibilities. The Malaysian Insider understands that after the Permatang Pauh by-election, supporters of the DPM have been pushing for him to have more say in the day-to-day running of the country.
Some of them have been hoping for him to snare the finance or Economic Planning Unit portfolio, believing that it would allow him to strengthen his position with the Umno ground and speed up the implementation of projects under the Ninth Malaysian Plan.
One common complaint has been that under Abdullah, the civil servants run the finance ministry and they have been known to frustrate rather than facilitate economic projects. As a result, there has been little multiplier effect and many of the corridor projects which the PM launched have been dreadfully slow to get off the ground.
On Monday morning, during the third meeting at Seri Perdana, Abdullah told Najib that he should take over the finance job, saying that this was part of the deal of giving him more responsibilities under the transition plan.
Najib was elated knowing that it would appease many of his supporters who have been nagging him for staying loyal to Abdullah. Tomorrow, both of them are expected to brief the Umno supreme council on the transition plan and the ministry swap.
In all likelihood, the powerful decision-making body will once again endorse the transition plan, knowing that the countdown has already started. <<---- Needless to say that the transition has started.. for better of for worst???... Do Malaysians even care wut is going on anymore.. wut they want is change... With things are not doing great for the rakyat to make ends meet... Is their salary is enough for this coming Hari Raya? And wut happen to the promises of reducing the oil prices? it will only be promises... like all the promises before... When can we see the light at the end of the tunnel??? I'm not so sure anymore? Hopefully soon.. so that we can get rid of this and start anew... With the parliment is not in session till the end of the month... is there hope before Hari Raya for a good news so that we can celebrate... hopefully... Till then let us hope... Hope for a better Malaysia... Hope for a better World...
SEPT 17 — Mid-2010 is the finish line but the transfer of power from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak kicked in today.
By handing over the powerful finance portfolio to Najib, Abdullah was making good on a promise to flesh out his transition plan and give the DPM more important responsibilities to prepare him for the top job in the country.
It was also a concession:
• To someone who has stuck by him through a tumultuous six months since the debacle of Election 2008, when calls for him to step down as president of Umno and the PM have grown louder and more bellicose. And whose support he still needs to fend off the challenge of Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin;
• To concerns among investors and the public that someone new was needed at the helm of the finance ministry to inject confidence in the handling of the economy.
The Malaysian Insider understands that the ministry swap – Najib going to finance and Abdullah taking over defence – was discussed during three meetings in recent days between both men.
Top of the agenda in those discussions was the transition plan. Najib said that he was committed to the plan but noted that the he and Abdullah needed to do much more to regain ground with Umno members and Malaysians.
Abdullah told Najib during one of these sessions that he did not intend to stay on longer than necessary. And as soon as he completed the task of reforming the judiciary, setting up the Anti-Corruption Commission and the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission, he would hand over power to Najib.
This effectively means handing over power even before mid-2010.
Najib was at pains not to set a new timetable but added that it would be useful for him to be given more duties and responsibilities. The Malaysian Insider understands that after the Permatang Pauh by-election, supporters of the DPM have been pushing for him to have more say in the day-to-day running of the country.
Some of them have been hoping for him to snare the finance or Economic Planning Unit portfolio, believing that it would allow him to strengthen his position with the Umno ground and speed up the implementation of projects under the Ninth Malaysian Plan.
One common complaint has been that under Abdullah, the civil servants run the finance ministry and they have been known to frustrate rather than facilitate economic projects. As a result, there has been little multiplier effect and many of the corridor projects which the PM launched have been dreadfully slow to get off the ground.
On Monday morning, during the third meeting at Seri Perdana, Abdullah told Najib that he should take over the finance job, saying that this was part of the deal of giving him more responsibilities under the transition plan.
Najib was elated knowing that it would appease many of his supporters who have been nagging him for staying loyal to Abdullah. Tomorrow, both of them are expected to brief the Umno supreme council on the transition plan and the ministry swap.
In all likelihood, the powerful decision-making body will once again endorse the transition plan, knowing that the countdown has already started. <<---- Needless to say that the transition has started.. for better of for worst???... Do Malaysians even care wut is going on anymore.. wut they want is change... With things are not doing great for the rakyat to make ends meet... Is their salary is enough for this coming Hari Raya? And wut happen to the promises of reducing the oil prices? it will only be promises... like all the promises before... When can we see the light at the end of the tunnel??? I'm not so sure anymore? Hopefully soon.. so that we can get rid of this and start anew... With the parliment is not in session till the end of the month... is there hope before Hari Raya for a good news so that we can celebrate... hopefully... Till then let us hope... Hope for a better Malaysia... Hope for a better World...
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Abdullah still PM
KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 17 - Sept 16 dawned and set yesterday, with Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi remaining as Malaysia's Prime Minister.
Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim did not topple the government as threatened, but he demanded to see the Prime Minister to discuss a smooth transition of power after insisting once again that he had the numbers to take office.
He also declared that the "defectors" included Cabinet ministers and deputy ministers.
Abdullah dismissed the demand outright, telling Anwar instead to make the names public.
"He is just getting the people to focus on him and his political ploy. I do not need to see him," he said.
If Anwar really has the numbers to form a government, "he will storm into my room with hundreds screaming behind him shouting 'victory'", he added.
"This is Anwar's mirage. It is nothing. It is merely a dream."
At a press conference yesterday at his party headquarters in Petaling Jaya, Anwar said he had pledges from more than 31 Barisan Nasional MPs willing to defect and bring down the BN government.
"It is a slight majority," he told reporters at the packed conference.
But the opposition leader refused to name them, saying they would be harassed or even arrested by the authorities. He said he was willing to show the list to the Prime Minister.
Anwar had repeatedly said over the last few months that he had the numbers and was on track to topple Abdullah by Sept 16.
He chose Sept 16 - the day Sabah and Sarawak joined Malaysia in 1963 - as most of his targeted MPs were from those two states.
"We have received firm commitment from Members of Parliament in excess of the number required to form a new government, and our government will reflect the diverse makeup of Malaysian society," he said yesterday.
He stressed that he was not making excuses when he did not produce the defectors yesterday, saying he wanted to ensure a chaos-free transition.
-We are choosing a softer option to negotiate with the Prime Minister,- he said.
In a letter sent to Abdullah on Monday, the opposition coalition Pakatan Rakyat requested a meeting and assurances that the BN would not use strong-arm tactics such as arrests, emergency laws or other such measures to prevent defections, he said.
-We do not want documents and other assets of the government destroyed. I would like to advise the Barisan Nasional leaders not to abuse their powers, not to arrest or torture our leaders,- Anwar said.
But Abdullah said a letter he received from Anwar on Monday was not about a power transfer.
-There has been no letter sent to me regarding a power transfer. He (Anwar) sent a letter about general matters on the current situation in the country,- he said yesterday.
Deputy Premier Datuk Seri Najib Razak was also confident that the BN would remain the government. Speaking after the signing of a telecommunications agreement to develop a high-speed broadband project yesterday, he said: -That is why we chose Sept 16 (to launch the project).
-This is another politics of deception by the opposition, which frequently does not come to fruition.-
Indeed, observers are divided over whether Anwar really has the numbers to form a government.
On the one hand, his demand for a meeting with the Prime Minister pushes his claim further than he has taken it these months.
But his failure to produce even a single defector yesterday has dented his credibility, and may cast doubts in the minds of fence-sitters.
He also did not explain why he did not seek a transition of power much earlier since he has claimed to have had the necessary numbers for several months already. And his refusal to set a new deadline or to state his next move now that he has failed to meet the Prime Minister suggested that he may not want to be forced into another corner of his own making.
Anwar was non-committal when asked if he would seek an audience with the King to present himself as commanding the majority in Parliament, or if he would seek a motion of no-confidence against Abdullah when the Dewan Rakyat resumes sitting next month.
He said these options would be discussed with other Pakatan leaders.
He insisted that he did not want to issue an ultimatum to Abdullah.
-(But) there is a limit to one's patience, particularly when we have the numbers. We are firm that victory is finally at hand,- he said.
The BN has 140 MPs and the opposition has 81, with one independent <<--- not for long i hope... to have a prime minister like you.. makes one wonder how can a person like u be a good PM? He sleeps during cabinets meeting, He sleeps in the parliment.. and this is our beloved PM... So please.. step down.. give somebody who can do the job 100% better and more commited.
Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim did not topple the government as threatened, but he demanded to see the Prime Minister to discuss a smooth transition of power after insisting once again that he had the numbers to take office.
He also declared that the "defectors" included Cabinet ministers and deputy ministers.
Abdullah dismissed the demand outright, telling Anwar instead to make the names public.
"He is just getting the people to focus on him and his political ploy. I do not need to see him," he said.
If Anwar really has the numbers to form a government, "he will storm into my room with hundreds screaming behind him shouting 'victory'", he added.
"This is Anwar's mirage. It is nothing. It is merely a dream."
At a press conference yesterday at his party headquarters in Petaling Jaya, Anwar said he had pledges from more than 31 Barisan Nasional MPs willing to defect and bring down the BN government.
"It is a slight majority," he told reporters at the packed conference.
But the opposition leader refused to name them, saying they would be harassed or even arrested by the authorities. He said he was willing to show the list to the Prime Minister.
Anwar had repeatedly said over the last few months that he had the numbers and was on track to topple Abdullah by Sept 16.
He chose Sept 16 - the day Sabah and Sarawak joined Malaysia in 1963 - as most of his targeted MPs were from those two states.
"We have received firm commitment from Members of Parliament in excess of the number required to form a new government, and our government will reflect the diverse makeup of Malaysian society," he said yesterday.
He stressed that he was not making excuses when he did not produce the defectors yesterday, saying he wanted to ensure a chaos-free transition.
-We are choosing a softer option to negotiate with the Prime Minister,- he said.
In a letter sent to Abdullah on Monday, the opposition coalition Pakatan Rakyat requested a meeting and assurances that the BN would not use strong-arm tactics such as arrests, emergency laws or other such measures to prevent defections, he said.
-We do not want documents and other assets of the government destroyed. I would like to advise the Barisan Nasional leaders not to abuse their powers, not to arrest or torture our leaders,- Anwar said.
But Abdullah said a letter he received from Anwar on Monday was not about a power transfer.
-There has been no letter sent to me regarding a power transfer. He (Anwar) sent a letter about general matters on the current situation in the country,- he said yesterday.
Deputy Premier Datuk Seri Najib Razak was also confident that the BN would remain the government. Speaking after the signing of a telecommunications agreement to develop a high-speed broadband project yesterday, he said: -That is why we chose Sept 16 (to launch the project).
-This is another politics of deception by the opposition, which frequently does not come to fruition.-
Indeed, observers are divided over whether Anwar really has the numbers to form a government.
On the one hand, his demand for a meeting with the Prime Minister pushes his claim further than he has taken it these months.
But his failure to produce even a single defector yesterday has dented his credibility, and may cast doubts in the minds of fence-sitters.
He also did not explain why he did not seek a transition of power much earlier since he has claimed to have had the necessary numbers for several months already. And his refusal to set a new deadline or to state his next move now that he has failed to meet the Prime Minister suggested that he may not want to be forced into another corner of his own making.
Anwar was non-committal when asked if he would seek an audience with the King to present himself as commanding the majority in Parliament, or if he would seek a motion of no-confidence against Abdullah when the Dewan Rakyat resumes sitting next month.
He said these options would be discussed with other Pakatan leaders.
He insisted that he did not want to issue an ultimatum to Abdullah.
-(But) there is a limit to one's patience, particularly when we have the numbers. We are firm that victory is finally at hand,- he said.
The BN has 140 MPs and the opposition has 81, with one independent <<--- not for long i hope... to have a prime minister like you.. makes one wonder how can a person like u be a good PM? He sleeps during cabinets meeting, He sleeps in the parliment.. and this is our beloved PM... So please.. step down.. give somebody who can do the job 100% better and more commited.
Malaysia Baru
16Sept dah lepas... hari ni 17Sept...
Peralihan kuasa belum berlaku... Masakan Pak Lah nak serahkan kuasa kepada DSAI. Macamana dia nak bagi keluarga dia 7 keturunan makan. Dari segi logik akal memang dapat PR memerintah selagi YDP Agong tidak terima mengadap DSAI. Ini kerana Pak Lah dan Najib tidak kan senang-senang melepaskan kuasa... dan masih banyak cara dan jalan yang kejam kana di gunakan oleh mereka berdua.
Contoh pertama penahanan Raja Petra dan MP DAP Teresa Kok di ISA. Ini adalah permulaan yang dapat di lihat sebagai ancaman besar kepada PR. Apakah dasar penahanan mereka berdua? Berbaur keugamaan dan perkauman... ??? Apakah selanjutnyer tindakan yang akan di buat oleh PR?
Kita seharusnyer menunggu dan bersabar... Jangan di ikutkan perasaan dan emosi.. kerana ramai yang memerhatikan segala gerak geri PR... Oleh itu.. kena la kita berhati-hati.. supaya tidak silap langkah!!!
Peralihan kuasa belum berlaku... Masakan Pak Lah nak serahkan kuasa kepada DSAI. Macamana dia nak bagi keluarga dia 7 keturunan makan. Dari segi logik akal memang dapat PR memerintah selagi YDP Agong tidak terima mengadap DSAI. Ini kerana Pak Lah dan Najib tidak kan senang-senang melepaskan kuasa... dan masih banyak cara dan jalan yang kejam kana di gunakan oleh mereka berdua.
Contoh pertama penahanan Raja Petra dan MP DAP Teresa Kok di ISA. Ini adalah permulaan yang dapat di lihat sebagai ancaman besar kepada PR. Apakah dasar penahanan mereka berdua? Berbaur keugamaan dan perkauman... ??? Apakah selanjutnyer tindakan yang akan di buat oleh PR?
Kita seharusnyer menunggu dan bersabar... Jangan di ikutkan perasaan dan emosi.. kerana ramai yang memerhatikan segala gerak geri PR... Oleh itu.. kena la kita berhati-hati.. supaya tidak silap langkah!!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Hari ni... 16Sept.. Dapatkan.. jadi kenyataan kan??? Kita akan menunggu dan berharap supaya ianya akan menjadi kenyataan.. Ramai yang berharap.. Supaya kerajaan sekarang akan tumbang. Dah letih mata melihat... telinga mendengar... mulut memaki...!!!!
Dapat lah kita melihat rakyat terbela... ISA.. penahanan RPK dan MP Teresa Kok... salah satu bukti terbaru yang menunjukkan betapa tidak adil kerajaan Malaysia sekarang. Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri dah hantar surat perletakan jawatan tapi telah di reject oleh PM... Dia nak resign pasal tak setuju dengan penggunaan ISA..
"Tomorrow is D-Day(16Sept). We are ready to form the government. We have enough numbers and tomorrow we will make our stand clear," he said to over 10,000 gathered at the stadium. Ini kata-kata DSAi semalam... di Stadium MBPJ Kelana Jaya... Ini yang kita nanti-nantikan selama ni... Masa menentukan..
Hari ni... 16Sept.. Dapatkan.. jadi kenyataan kan??? Kita akan menunggu dan berharap supaya ianya akan menjadi kenyataan.. Ramai yang berharap.. Supaya kerajaan sekarang akan tumbang. Dah letih mata melihat... telinga mendengar... mulut memaki...!!!!
Dapat lah kita melihat rakyat terbela... ISA.. penahanan RPK dan MP Teresa Kok... salah satu bukti terbaru yang menunjukkan betapa tidak adil kerajaan Malaysia sekarang. Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri dah hantar surat perletakan jawatan tapi telah di reject oleh PM... Dia nak resign pasal tak setuju dengan penggunaan ISA..
"Tomorrow is D-Day(16Sept). We are ready to form the government. We have enough numbers and tomorrow we will make our stand clear," he said to over 10,000 gathered at the stadium. Ini kata-kata DSAi semalam... di Stadium MBPJ Kelana Jaya... Ini yang kita nanti-nantikan selama ni... Masa menentukan..
Friday, September 12, 2008
16 SEPT... Malaysia Baru
16 Sept...
4 hari lagi... Selepas ini kemana hala tuju? PKR, PAS dan DAP... Will they actually form PAKATAN RAKYAT. Kalau dah form baru la senang nak bergerak... menggunakan satu entity... Tetapi apa yang pasti... Hidup mesti di teruskan...
Semalam kat tempat kerja aku bising la member aku sorang nih pasal MPs BN pi Taiwan dapat elaun Rm50,000 sorang.... Lepas tu aku buka Malaysian Insider ada juga keluar berita yang sama dari Datuk Yong Teck Lee dari SAPP mengatakan perkara yang serupa. Betul ke tak? Rasa macam betul sebab kita sedia paham akan keadaan BN sekarang nih... bercelaru sana sini... Pak lah dengan Muhyidin Yasin nyer... Najib ngan ex-gf nyer...
Ada lagi sorang member aku kat tempat kerja... dok sebelah aku... haaa... mamat nih kepala dia lain skit.. kdg-kdg aku tak paham.. dok belah mana aku pon tak tahu... Apa yang aku dapat lihat dia ni ada la mcm racist skit... sifat ke melayuan tuh tebal sangat... maybe sebab dia tua dari aku.. dan aku rasa mungkin mindset still being ruled by 1950s punya mindset. Aku cuba gak kadang-kadang borak ngan dia pasal Politik tapi dia dok kata.. itu la... ini la... bila ada perkara yg merujuk pada kaum India dan Cina dia mmg cepat melatah.. org yg pertama menunjukkan sifat racist... Well... lately aku kurang bercakap pasal Politik dengan dia..... sebab kdg-kdg mcm buang masa ajer...
Well we will see if 16 September will be the event that change MALAYSIA... It's for the best...
4 hari lagi... Selepas ini kemana hala tuju? PKR, PAS dan DAP... Will they actually form PAKATAN RAKYAT. Kalau dah form baru la senang nak bergerak... menggunakan satu entity... Tetapi apa yang pasti... Hidup mesti di teruskan...
Semalam kat tempat kerja aku bising la member aku sorang nih pasal MPs BN pi Taiwan dapat elaun Rm50,000 sorang.... Lepas tu aku buka Malaysian Insider ada juga keluar berita yang sama dari Datuk Yong Teck Lee dari SAPP mengatakan perkara yang serupa. Betul ke tak? Rasa macam betul sebab kita sedia paham akan keadaan BN sekarang nih... bercelaru sana sini... Pak lah dengan Muhyidin Yasin nyer... Najib ngan ex-gf nyer...
Ada lagi sorang member aku kat tempat kerja... dok sebelah aku... haaa... mamat nih kepala dia lain skit.. kdg-kdg aku tak paham.. dok belah mana aku pon tak tahu... Apa yang aku dapat lihat dia ni ada la mcm racist skit... sifat ke melayuan tuh tebal sangat... maybe sebab dia tua dari aku.. dan aku rasa mungkin mindset still being ruled by 1950s punya mindset. Aku cuba gak kadang-kadang borak ngan dia pasal Politik tapi dia dok kata.. itu la... ini la... bila ada perkara yg merujuk pada kaum India dan Cina dia mmg cepat melatah.. org yg pertama menunjukkan sifat racist... Well... lately aku kurang bercakap pasal Politik dengan dia..... sebab kdg-kdg mcm buang masa ajer...
Well we will see if 16 September will be the event that change MALAYSIA... It's for the best...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
SAPP hints Taiwan trippers got RM50,000 pocket money
KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 11 - Unhappy over not being invited to BN supreme council meetings despite having no faith in Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, former Sabah chief minister Datuk Yong Teck Lee is now hinting the coalition lawmakers touring Taiwan received RM50,000 in pocket money.Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) president Yong had, in a posting on Tuesday, claimed that the party's two MPs - Datuk Eric Majimbun and Datuk Dr Chua Soon Bui - had rejected the Taiwan invitation plus RM50,000 pocket money allegedly given to each MP who went on the trip.SAPP had decided in June to either move or support a no-confidence motion against the Prime Minister but its two attempts were anti-climatic. Its lawmakers failed to turn up in the first instance, while, on the second occasion, the Pakatan Rakyat motion by then Opposition leader Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, was rejected by the House Speaker.
Yong had also confirmed that he met with current Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim but has yet to indicate if SAPP will join PR on Sept 16 - the opposition's much ballyhooed date of taking over the government. The BN backbenchers are in Taiwan ostensibly on an agricultural study tour but it is widely seen as an attempt to thwart Anwar's promised takeover.Anwar has said he will go to Taiwan to convince the BN lawmakers to join his coalition by Sept 16, but concedes that the takeover date could change.BN leaders, however, remain confident that it will never happen.
Meanwhile, an irate Datuk Bung Moktar Radin said none of the lawmakers now in Taiwan were paid RM50,000 as alleged by Yong. He challenged the SAPP president to lodge a police report if he thought it was true."No such offer was made. We are in Taiwan at our own expense as we want to learn how to improve agriculture in our respective constituencies," the Barisan Nasional Backbenchers Club deputy chairman told the New Straits Times.He also stressed that the tour had nothing to do with the opposition's plan to form a new government on Sept 16, saying Anwar should stop confusing the people by claiming that many BN MPs would defect soon. The MPs in Taiwan are scheduled to return next Wednesday.<<-- kalo la betui dorang nih dapat poket money sebanyak rm50K cuba imagine berapa ramai yang pi... kesian kat kita ni yg dok bayar cukai... apa yg kita dapat????? sampai bila nak jadi macam nih???? ishh... gerammnyer aku.. kalo ikut hati tak... tak nak aku bayar cukai... tapi... tak bayar kang kena plak... ini la nasib rakyat malaysia yang semakin tertekan dengan keadaan......
Yong had also confirmed that he met with current Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim but has yet to indicate if SAPP will join PR on Sept 16 - the opposition's much ballyhooed date of taking over the government. The BN backbenchers are in Taiwan ostensibly on an agricultural study tour but it is widely seen as an attempt to thwart Anwar's promised takeover.Anwar has said he will go to Taiwan to convince the BN lawmakers to join his coalition by Sept 16, but concedes that the takeover date could change.BN leaders, however, remain confident that it will never happen.
Meanwhile, an irate Datuk Bung Moktar Radin said none of the lawmakers now in Taiwan were paid RM50,000 as alleged by Yong. He challenged the SAPP president to lodge a police report if he thought it was true."No such offer was made. We are in Taiwan at our own expense as we want to learn how to improve agriculture in our respective constituencies," the Barisan Nasional Backbenchers Club deputy chairman told the New Straits Times.He also stressed that the tour had nothing to do with the opposition's plan to form a new government on Sept 16, saying Anwar should stop confusing the people by claiming that many BN MPs would defect soon. The MPs in Taiwan are scheduled to return next Wednesday.<<-- kalo la betui dorang nih dapat poket money sebanyak rm50K cuba imagine berapa ramai yang pi... kesian kat kita ni yg dok bayar cukai... apa yg kita dapat????? sampai bila nak jadi macam nih???? ishh... gerammnyer aku.. kalo ikut hati tak... tak nak aku bayar cukai... tapi... tak bayar kang kena plak... ini la nasib rakyat malaysia yang semakin tertekan dengan keadaan......
Demam Di Bulan Ramadhan
Hmmm... sedar tak sedar dah masuk 11 hari kita berpuasa. Tahun ini aku family aku hampir kesemuanyer kena demam-demam, batuk-batuk dan selesema di dalam bulan Ramadhan. Anak aku yang bongsu.. Nur `Aina An-Nisa dari hari ke 3 kena demam sampai ke hari ini belum sembuh-sembuh lagi. Kesian aku tgk `Aina nih.... Dah tukar ubat pon masih sama lagi.
Aku plak dari hari Ahad sampai Selasa pon kena demam yg kira teruk la sampai tak leh nak pi kerja... sama la ngan anak lelaki aku si Haiqal...
So hari Rabu aku start keja balik... perghhh!!! sekali masok punya banyak E-mail dari Bahrain yg perlu aku baca.... dan kebanyakkanya perlu aku selesaikan....
Aku plak dari hari Ahad sampai Selasa pon kena demam yg kira teruk la sampai tak leh nak pi kerja... sama la ngan anak lelaki aku si Haiqal...
So hari Rabu aku start keja balik... perghhh!!! sekali masok punya banyak E-mail dari Bahrain yg perlu aku baca.... dan kebanyakkanya perlu aku selesaikan....
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Perginyer Ustaz Sharif.. Innalillah
Pukul 2.00 pagi pulanglah Ustaz Sharif ke Rahmatullah... Aku dapat sms dari Mie panjang pukul 5.29 pagi sebaik selepas sahur. Ramai yg datang ke Masjid Taman Bukit Indah untuk memberi penghormatan terakhir kepada Arwah.
Ustaz aku kenali sewaktu di Surau At-Tarbiyyah sewaktu arwah menjadi imam di surau tuh... Di situ aku kembali belajar Al-Quran... setelah sekian lama terkial-kial mencari.
Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat dan menempatkan Allahyarham ditempat org-org yg soleh...
Ustaz aku kenali sewaktu di Surau At-Tarbiyyah sewaktu arwah menjadi imam di surau tuh... Di situ aku kembali belajar Al-Quran... setelah sekian lama terkial-kial mencari.
Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat dan menempatkan Allahyarham ditempat org-org yg soleh...
Friday, September 5, 2008
Ahmad Ismail : Saya Tidak Akan Mohon Maaf
Ahmad: Saya tak akan mohon maaf
Athi Veeranggan Sep 4, 08 6:41pm
Ketua Umno bahagian Bukit Bendera, Datuk Ahmad Ismail memberitahu Malaysiakini bahawa beliau tidak akan memohon maaf walaupun Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak telah berbuat demikian.Sebaliknya, kata Ahmad, beliau tidak melakukan sebarang kesalahan.Ini merupakan reaksi pertamanya sejak tercetusnya kontroversi itu minggu lalu, ekoran ceramahnya sewaktu pilihanraya kecil parlimen Permatang Pauh yang didakwa telah menyinggung perasaan masyarakat Cina negara ini.
Beliau didakwa berkata orang Cina adalah pendatang dan tidak layak mendapat hak sama seperti Melayu.Sehubungan itu, Gerakan, MCA dan DAP telah mendesak Ahmad supaya menarik balik kenyataannya dan memohon maaf. Pemuda DAP (Dapsy) juga membuat laporan polis terhadap Ahmad.Menurut Ahmad, beliau tidak berkata atau melakukan sebarang kesalahan, dan oleh itu, tiada sebab baginya untuk memohon maaf.Katanya, beliau akan mengadakan sidang akhbar khas di bangunan Umno Pulau Pinang Sabtu ini berhubung isu tersebut.
Sidang akhbar itu akan diadakan selepas mesyuarat badan perhubungan Umno negeri yang akan dipengerusikan oleh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.Sambil menafikan bahawa kenyataannya itu berbaur perkauman, Ahmad berkata, beliau berkawan dengan orang Cina dan India sejak kecil lagi.Sehubungan itu, katanya, beliau tidak pernah dan tidak akan menjadi seorang yang bersifat perkauman.Ahmad turut mengecam laporan media yang menuduh beliau mengelak daripada bertemu dengan wartawan dan jurugambar yang menunggunya di luar balai polis Seberang Perai Pusat di Bandar Baru Perda sejak dua hari lalu."Saya tidak minta mereka tunggu. Jadi mengapa mereka tuduh saya lari dari mereka?" soalnya.Ahmad telah memberi kenyataan di balai polis negeri di Georgetown malam tadi, ekoran beberapa laporan yang telah dibuat terhadapnya.
Kes tersebut disiasat mengikut Seksyen 4 (1)(B) Akta Hasutan 1948 yang membawa hukuman denda tidak lebih RM5,000 dan penjara minimum tiga tahun, atau kedua-duanya sekali. <<-- Kenapa dah buat salah secara terang-terang semasa kempen Pilihanraya kecil di Permatang Pauh tidak mahu mengaku salah.. ini la dia keangkuhan orang-orang UMNO. Bertindak mengikut sesuka hati tanpa memikirkan akibat di sebalik tindakan yang tidak bertanggungjawab itu. Apakah kita masih hidup dalam isu perkauman???? Memang isu perkauman ini tidak boleh kita nafikan.. bukan sahaja di negara kita... di Amerika Syarikat... adakan rakyatnyer akan menerima Barrack Obama sebagai Presiden Amerika berkulit hitam yang pertama??? mungkin yer.... mungkin tidak....
Athi Veeranggan Sep 4, 08 6:41pm
Ketua Umno bahagian Bukit Bendera, Datuk Ahmad Ismail memberitahu Malaysiakini bahawa beliau tidak akan memohon maaf walaupun Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak telah berbuat demikian.Sebaliknya, kata Ahmad, beliau tidak melakukan sebarang kesalahan.Ini merupakan reaksi pertamanya sejak tercetusnya kontroversi itu minggu lalu, ekoran ceramahnya sewaktu pilihanraya kecil parlimen Permatang Pauh yang didakwa telah menyinggung perasaan masyarakat Cina negara ini.
Beliau didakwa berkata orang Cina adalah pendatang dan tidak layak mendapat hak sama seperti Melayu.Sehubungan itu, Gerakan, MCA dan DAP telah mendesak Ahmad supaya menarik balik kenyataannya dan memohon maaf. Pemuda DAP (Dapsy) juga membuat laporan polis terhadap Ahmad.Menurut Ahmad, beliau tidak berkata atau melakukan sebarang kesalahan, dan oleh itu, tiada sebab baginya untuk memohon maaf.Katanya, beliau akan mengadakan sidang akhbar khas di bangunan Umno Pulau Pinang Sabtu ini berhubung isu tersebut.
Sidang akhbar itu akan diadakan selepas mesyuarat badan perhubungan Umno negeri yang akan dipengerusikan oleh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.Sambil menafikan bahawa kenyataannya itu berbaur perkauman, Ahmad berkata, beliau berkawan dengan orang Cina dan India sejak kecil lagi.Sehubungan itu, katanya, beliau tidak pernah dan tidak akan menjadi seorang yang bersifat perkauman.Ahmad turut mengecam laporan media yang menuduh beliau mengelak daripada bertemu dengan wartawan dan jurugambar yang menunggunya di luar balai polis Seberang Perai Pusat di Bandar Baru Perda sejak dua hari lalu."Saya tidak minta mereka tunggu. Jadi mengapa mereka tuduh saya lari dari mereka?" soalnya.Ahmad telah memberi kenyataan di balai polis negeri di Georgetown malam tadi, ekoran beberapa laporan yang telah dibuat terhadapnya.
Kes tersebut disiasat mengikut Seksyen 4 (1)(B) Akta Hasutan 1948 yang membawa hukuman denda tidak lebih RM5,000 dan penjara minimum tiga tahun, atau kedua-duanya sekali. <<-- Kenapa dah buat salah secara terang-terang semasa kempen Pilihanraya kecil di Permatang Pauh tidak mahu mengaku salah.. ini la dia keangkuhan orang-orang UMNO. Bertindak mengikut sesuka hati tanpa memikirkan akibat di sebalik tindakan yang tidak bertanggungjawab itu. Apakah kita masih hidup dalam isu perkauman???? Memang isu perkauman ini tidak boleh kita nafikan.. bukan sahaja di negara kita... di Amerika Syarikat... adakan rakyatnyer akan menerima Barrack Obama sebagai Presiden Amerika berkulit hitam yang pertama??? mungkin yer.... mungkin tidak....
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Gerakan to push for BN code of conduct
KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 3 — Gerakan will push for a Barisan Nasional (BN) code of conduct with an effective disciplinary mechanism at the next BN Supreme Council meeting, its acting president Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon said today.
A BN code of conduct with stern disciplinary action for all members of BN component parties was very much needed to deter and discipline racist remarks and anti-social behaviour that jeorpardise national unity and BN solidarity, he said in a statement.
Koh reiterated his call for such a code, and welcomed Deputy Prime Minister and Umno deputy president Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's apology on behalf of Umno over the remark by a party divisional leader in Penang during the Permatang Pauh by-election last month.
"Najib's sincerity has helped to ease somewhat the anger and tension arising out of (Bukit Bendera Umno division head) Datuk Ahmad Ismail's insulting racist remark," he said.
Dr Koh earlier proposed the BN code of conduct together with provisions for stern disciplinary action following the uproar among the Chinese community and political leaders over Ahmad's remark that "Malaysians of Chinese origin are merely squatting in this country and hence not entitled to equality".
He said although it might be argued that Ahmad's remark was only his personal view and not Umno's stand, it had definitely tarnished the image of Umno and BN.
"This is especially so when top party leaders were perceived as condoning it by not condeming it fast and firm enough.
"It was indeed yet another case of what the Malay proverb says, 'nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga' meaning, 'a drop of blue dye spoils a pot of milk’.
"BN may have many pots of milk because of the good work and goodwill BN has achieved and accumulated through over 50 years of nation building with the people.
"However, if too many drops of blue dye continue to be sprayed, all of BN's pots of milk will eventually be spoilt. We may be reaching such a critical point of no return now," said Dr Koh.
He said therefore BN itself and all component parties had to be very firm and fast in dealing with "such irresponsible and insensitive remarks and behaviour".
"Provisions for disciplinary action in the code of conduct should be applied automatically and immediately before any racist remark triggers adverse chain reactions, leading to greater conflict.
"Moreover, if the remark or behaviour is serious enough, appropriate action under the Sedition Act and other relevant laws must also be taken at the same time.
"Any act that threatens national unity and inter-racial or inter-religious harmony must be dealt with very sternly," he said.
In the run-up to the Permatang Pauh by-election, Ahmad Ismail, in a ceramah, had said that the Chinese community were mere immigrants in the country and thus were not entitled to equal rights in Malaysia. — Bernama <<-- This is how Umno works.. stirring up racial remark trying to create unrest between Malaysian. I do not understand why should the leaders apologise for the mistake of Ahmad Ismail. He is the one who should publically apologise to the Chinese community and to all Malaysian. This shows what mentality these Umno guys have...
A BN code of conduct with stern disciplinary action for all members of BN component parties was very much needed to deter and discipline racist remarks and anti-social behaviour that jeorpardise national unity and BN solidarity, he said in a statement.
Koh reiterated his call for such a code, and welcomed Deputy Prime Minister and Umno deputy president Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's apology on behalf of Umno over the remark by a party divisional leader in Penang during the Permatang Pauh by-election last month.
"Najib's sincerity has helped to ease somewhat the anger and tension arising out of (Bukit Bendera Umno division head) Datuk Ahmad Ismail's insulting racist remark," he said.
Dr Koh earlier proposed the BN code of conduct together with provisions for stern disciplinary action following the uproar among the Chinese community and political leaders over Ahmad's remark that "Malaysians of Chinese origin are merely squatting in this country and hence not entitled to equality".
He said although it might be argued that Ahmad's remark was only his personal view and not Umno's stand, it had definitely tarnished the image of Umno and BN.
"This is especially so when top party leaders were perceived as condoning it by not condeming it fast and firm enough.
"It was indeed yet another case of what the Malay proverb says, 'nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga' meaning, 'a drop of blue dye spoils a pot of milk’.
"BN may have many pots of milk because of the good work and goodwill BN has achieved and accumulated through over 50 years of nation building with the people.
"However, if too many drops of blue dye continue to be sprayed, all of BN's pots of milk will eventually be spoilt. We may be reaching such a critical point of no return now," said Dr Koh.
He said therefore BN itself and all component parties had to be very firm and fast in dealing with "such irresponsible and insensitive remarks and behaviour".
"Provisions for disciplinary action in the code of conduct should be applied automatically and immediately before any racist remark triggers adverse chain reactions, leading to greater conflict.
"Moreover, if the remark or behaviour is serious enough, appropriate action under the Sedition Act and other relevant laws must also be taken at the same time.
"Any act that threatens national unity and inter-racial or inter-religious harmony must be dealt with very sternly," he said.
In the run-up to the Permatang Pauh by-election, Ahmad Ismail, in a ceramah, had said that the Chinese community were mere immigrants in the country and thus were not entitled to equal rights in Malaysia. — Bernama <<-- This is how Umno works.. stirring up racial remark trying to create unrest between Malaysian. I do not understand why should the leaders apologise for the mistake of Ahmad Ismail. He is the one who should publically apologise to the Chinese community and to all Malaysian. This shows what mentality these Umno guys have...
It's All About Money!!!!

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 3 — If it was put to a vote today, Gerakan members would choose to leave Barisan Nasional. That damning verdict was given by Tun Dr Lim Keng Yaik, the party's former president and most influential voice.
But he added that this major decision will not be made until the issue has been debated exhaustively, and certainly not while emotions are still raw in the party which was decimated in Election 2008.
Still, the Umno and BN leadership should be prepared for the exit of Gerakan, judging by his pungent and pessimistic reading of the political situation.
In a wide-ranging interview with Off the Edge, the politician, who has made a living out of shooting from the hip, paints a grim picture of Umno, a party incapable of change and reform.
Worse yet, he did not think the party's current or next generation of leaders are enlightened. During the interview, he sketched the underlying reasons for Gerakan's and Barisan Nasional's dismal performance in Election 2008.
"We had the worst kind of Umno arrogance as a result of the 2004 elections. The abuse of power, corruption, negotiated tenders with government tenders going mainly to Umno-associated companies. All this is not decided by the Cabinet but by the Ministry of Finance. You think people don't know. Prices are jacked up and there is no check on the implementation of these projects.
"And then you had the Umno assembly and everyone saw how racist its members can become. All these things put us as a component party in a very difficult situation. And then Hindraf came into the picture. So we knew before going into March 8 that it was very bad, '' he said.
Dr Lim alleged that money politics culture in Umno also had an impact on the general elections, saying that all new Gerakan candidates were given "hell by the Umno divisional chairmen''.
"It's all money, money, money, money, money, '' he noted.
So has Umno understood the message which voters sent them on March 8?
"I don't think so. Or maybe they are too preoccupied with their own party elections to come around to thinking and analysing what happened. But I think, being racially based, they think they can still turn the Malay votes. So the first thing they did was talk to Pas, '' said Dr Lim, who joined MCA in the aftermath of its disastrous showing in 1969.
Given this backdrop, the mood in Gerakan is one of anxiety. Still, Dr Lim appeared willing to give Umno one last chance.
"I have been saying that we are not deserters. We are willing to work with and talk to our Umno partners to change and follow what people want in terms of less racial politics, more transparency. Don't just say you want to go against corruption; you must really go against corruption, starting with your own party – with your own party leadership – instead of just going for the civil servants.
"We have said in no uncertain terms that Umno must change…have they fallen into a pit and cannot climb out of it? Or will they try after they settle down after their party elections, '' he said.
He brought up the topic of reform with Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak recently, pointing that the DPM's father rebranded the Alliance after the political tsunami in 1969, by roping in Gerakan, PPP and SUPP.
"I asked Najib, are you thinking about rebranding Umno and BN? In terms of consumerism, the existing brand tak boleh pakai lagi, '' said Dr Lim, who conceded that Pakatan Rakyat's Ketuanan Rakyat is a good brand.
He did not say if Najib offered him an answer. But clearly, Gerakan wants to see some signs that Umno is prepared to change before committing to remain in Barisan Nasional. <<-- Well Mr. Keng Yaik.. damage is done... you came from the same boat once and now you are not willing to sink together with your pay master.... needless to say that you guys on the other side of the component are the same.. some times speaks the same language... have the types of leader..... rebranding won't do any good... damage is done... RAKYAT has chosen who they want to lead them to a better life..
But he added that this major decision will not be made until the issue has been debated exhaustively, and certainly not while emotions are still raw in the party which was decimated in Election 2008.
Still, the Umno and BN leadership should be prepared for the exit of Gerakan, judging by his pungent and pessimistic reading of the political situation.
In a wide-ranging interview with Off the Edge, the politician, who has made a living out of shooting from the hip, paints a grim picture of Umno, a party incapable of change and reform.
Worse yet, he did not think the party's current or next generation of leaders are enlightened. During the interview, he sketched the underlying reasons for Gerakan's and Barisan Nasional's dismal performance in Election 2008.
"We had the worst kind of Umno arrogance as a result of the 2004 elections. The abuse of power, corruption, negotiated tenders with government tenders going mainly to Umno-associated companies. All this is not decided by the Cabinet but by the Ministry of Finance. You think people don't know. Prices are jacked up and there is no check on the implementation of these projects.
"And then you had the Umno assembly and everyone saw how racist its members can become. All these things put us as a component party in a very difficult situation. And then Hindraf came into the picture. So we knew before going into March 8 that it was very bad, '' he said.
Dr Lim alleged that money politics culture in Umno also had an impact on the general elections, saying that all new Gerakan candidates were given "hell by the Umno divisional chairmen''.
"It's all money, money, money, money, money, '' he noted.
So has Umno understood the message which voters sent them on March 8?
"I don't think so. Or maybe they are too preoccupied with their own party elections to come around to thinking and analysing what happened. But I think, being racially based, they think they can still turn the Malay votes. So the first thing they did was talk to Pas, '' said Dr Lim, who joined MCA in the aftermath of its disastrous showing in 1969.
Given this backdrop, the mood in Gerakan is one of anxiety. Still, Dr Lim appeared willing to give Umno one last chance.
"I have been saying that we are not deserters. We are willing to work with and talk to our Umno partners to change and follow what people want in terms of less racial politics, more transparency. Don't just say you want to go against corruption; you must really go against corruption, starting with your own party – with your own party leadership – instead of just going for the civil servants.
"We have said in no uncertain terms that Umno must change…have they fallen into a pit and cannot climb out of it? Or will they try after they settle down after their party elections, '' he said.
He brought up the topic of reform with Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak recently, pointing that the DPM's father rebranded the Alliance after the political tsunami in 1969, by roping in Gerakan, PPP and SUPP.
"I asked Najib, are you thinking about rebranding Umno and BN? In terms of consumerism, the existing brand tak boleh pakai lagi, '' said Dr Lim, who conceded that Pakatan Rakyat's Ketuanan Rakyat is a good brand.
He did not say if Najib offered him an answer. But clearly, Gerakan wants to see some signs that Umno is prepared to change before committing to remain in Barisan Nasional. <<-- Well Mr. Keng Yaik.. damage is done... you came from the same boat once and now you are not willing to sink together with your pay master.... needless to say that you guys on the other side of the component are the same.. some times speaks the same language... have the types of leader..... rebranding won't do any good... damage is done... RAKYAT has chosen who they want to lead them to a better life..
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
3 Ramadhan
Hari nih bekerja macam biasa... puasa mcm biasa.. dan berbuka juga macam biasa. Dah jadi kebiasaan setiap datang ramadhan anak-anak aku la yang paling sibuk nak ke pasar Juadah. Tahun ni kena kontrol sikit belanja sebab ekonomi tak baik dan harga barang mahal. Semua harga kuih naik... huhuhu... mcmana nak jimat... tapi kena pandai la..
Hari nih bekerja macam biasa... puasa mcm biasa.. dan berbuka juga macam biasa. Dah jadi kebiasaan setiap datang ramadhan anak-anak aku la yang paling sibuk nak ke pasar Juadah. Tahun ni kena kontrol sikit belanja sebab ekonomi tak baik dan harga barang mahal. Semua harga kuih naik... huhuhu... mcmana nak jimat... tapi kena pandai la..
KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 2 (Bernama) -- Information Minister Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek said Tuesday the PAS government in Kelantan was being hypocritical in seeking to make Malaysia Day on Sept 16 a public holiday because it had once disputed the merging of Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak to form Malaysia.
He said the Kelantan PAS government had, in fact, brought the matter to court but the Federal Court dismissed the case on Sept 14 1963."It was fortunate that the court dismissed the case, otherwise Malaysia may not have been formed at all," he said in a statement to Bernama.Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat said Monday he agreed with a proposal by Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) advisor Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to make Malaysia Day on Sept 16 a public holiday.Ahmad Shabery asked whether declaring the date a public holiday would mean that the Kelantan PAS government's opposition to the efforts of the country's first prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra AlHaj (on the formation of Malaysia) could be forgotten just like that.Does it mean that Tunku Abdul Rahman lacked the spirit of Malaysia just because he did not declare a Sept 16 holiday, he asked."Let it not be for just a little attention in the political game that they are prepared to be hypocrite in agreeing to the proposal for a public holiday on Sept 16."Let it not be for just a few points in the political game that they are prepared to forget history and their stand at one time," he said.Ahmad Shabery said he hoped that the issue would not be blown out of proportion and become the basis of a fresh political controversy. <<--- Siapa yang hipokrit.. senang-senang nak tuduh... ini la salah satu sikap yang biasa di tonjolkan oleh Puak-Puak nih... yang sebenarnyer 16hb tu la tarikh Malaysia...
He said the Kelantan PAS government had, in fact, brought the matter to court but the Federal Court dismissed the case on Sept 14 1963."It was fortunate that the court dismissed the case, otherwise Malaysia may not have been formed at all," he said in a statement to Bernama.Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat said Monday he agreed with a proposal by Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) advisor Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to make Malaysia Day on Sept 16 a public holiday.Ahmad Shabery asked whether declaring the date a public holiday would mean that the Kelantan PAS government's opposition to the efforts of the country's first prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra AlHaj (on the formation of Malaysia) could be forgotten just like that.Does it mean that Tunku Abdul Rahman lacked the spirit of Malaysia just because he did not declare a Sept 16 holiday, he asked."Let it not be for just a little attention in the political game that they are prepared to be hypocrite in agreeing to the proposal for a public holiday on Sept 16."Let it not be for just a few points in the political game that they are prepared to forget history and their stand at one time," he said.Ahmad Shabery said he hoped that the issue would not be blown out of proportion and become the basis of a fresh political controversy. <<--- Siapa yang hipokrit.. senang-senang nak tuduh... ini la salah satu sikap yang biasa di tonjolkan oleh Puak-Puak nih... yang sebenarnyer 16hb tu la tarikh Malaysia...
16 Sept... Mimpi atau Realiti
16 Sept.... Mimpi atau realiti.. ??? Berapa ramai yang akan melompat. harap-harap dapat berita gembira sebelum 16 Sept. Perbicaraan Kes Liwat(kes fitnah kerajaan BEE END) bermula 10 Sept.
Adakah DSAI akan terlepas kali ini? Adakah dia akan tersangkut lagi.... sekaligus menghancurkan segala harapan rakyat malaysia untuk melihat Malaysia pulih dari kehancuran yang di akibatkan oleh Umno dan sekutunyer... PKR, PAS dan DAP harus bekerjasama untuk membolehkan PR berjaya!!!!
Adakah DSAI akan terlepas kali ini? Adakah dia akan tersangkut lagi.... sekaligus menghancurkan segala harapan rakyat malaysia untuk melihat Malaysia pulih dari kehancuran yang di akibatkan oleh Umno dan sekutunyer... PKR, PAS dan DAP harus bekerjasama untuk membolehkan PR berjaya!!!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
2 Ramadhan
Letih gak nak kerja nih... rasa mcm nak cuti jer sebulan nih... ehehehhe... dok umah.. tapi org kata baik kerja dari dok umah kan... kerja pon satu ibadah... kalo dok rumah ngadap TV jer apa jadi posa.. So hari ni berkerja tapi ok la.. sebab dah umur mcm nih takkan tak leh tahan.. Aku ni sesaja mengisi blog aku.. masih memikirkan apa langkah seterusnyer....
Letih gak nak kerja nih... rasa mcm nak cuti jer sebulan nih... ehehehhe... dok umah.. tapi org kata baik kerja dari dok umah kan... kerja pon satu ibadah... kalo dok rumah ngadap TV jer apa jadi posa.. So hari ni berkerja tapi ok la.. sebab dah umur mcm nih takkan tak leh tahan.. Aku ni sesaja mengisi blog aku.. masih memikirkan apa langkah seterusnyer....
Bulan Ramadhan
1 September.... Hari pertama Ramadhan.. Kebetulan pula cuti sebab hari Ahad cuti Hari Kebangsaan. Jadi pagi Senin tu aku amek kesempatan ngan isteri pi ke chowkit beli barang-barang dapur dan bekas nak isi biskut raya. Hari ni juga hari pertama anak aku yg bongsu start berpuasa... wahhh.. dah pukul 2.oopm dah kata nak buka..hehehhe
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Hari ni hari kedua aku blogging... hmmm.. sedar tak sedar dah 51 tahun kita merdeka tapi aku rasa kita macam tak merdeka aja. Semalam masa khutbah jumaat ada menyebutkan tentang merdeka. Merdeka cara apa? Merdeka bebas dari penjajah... yer betul.. merdeka dari penjajahan cara baru mungkin tidak.... merdeka apabila bebas dari hutang piutang??? itu la yang di tanggung oleh kebanyakkan rakyat di Malaysia yang merdeka. Kenapa???? Kadang-kadang aku bertanya.
Aku pon sama seperti rakyat malaysia yang lain.. ada hutang sana sini... tak tau la bila nak habis tapi InsyaAllah akan aku cuba habis kan supaya ringan beban.
Hari ni hari kedua aku blogging... hmmm.. sedar tak sedar dah 51 tahun kita merdeka tapi aku rasa kita macam tak merdeka aja. Semalam masa khutbah jumaat ada menyebutkan tentang merdeka. Merdeka cara apa? Merdeka bebas dari penjajah... yer betul.. merdeka dari penjajahan cara baru mungkin tidak.... merdeka apabila bebas dari hutang piutang??? itu la yang di tanggung oleh kebanyakkan rakyat di Malaysia yang merdeka. Kenapa???? Kadang-kadang aku bertanya.
Aku pon sama seperti rakyat malaysia yang lain.. ada hutang sana sini... tak tau la bila nak habis tapi InsyaAllah akan aku cuba habis kan supaya ringan beban.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Hari ni aku baru mula nak start blogging. Bila aku baca blog orang lain timbul keinginan nak buat blog juga. Ini kira permulaan aku yang baru-baru nak mencuba.
Hari ni aku baru mula nak start blogging. Bila aku baca blog orang lain timbul keinginan nak buat blog juga. Ini kira permulaan aku yang baru-baru nak mencuba.
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