Lama aku tak update blog. Kerja yang banyak dengan deadline yg amat dekat tidak memberi kesempatan untuk aku nak ber blog sekerap mungkin. Dalam seminggu dua nih kita lihat ramai yang sibuk berhari raya. Open house sana sini... Kisah Umno dengan pemilihannya... Kisah MCA dengan pemilihannya. Cuma MIC jer sunyi sepi.
MCA dah dapat presiden dan timbalan presiden baru. Mungkin dalam bulan March 2009 Umno akan dapat PM baru.. Dengan PM baru Malaysia akan mengalami perubahan????? (Inin PM dari Umno dan Barisan Nasional) atau kita kan dapat PM baru (DSAI)... InsyaALLAh. sama-sama la kita berdoa kan..
Tapi bila? Disember? January? February? March?
Rakyat semakin resah dan tak senang duduk... apa yang kita boleh buat? Penantian itu satu penyiksaan.
Untuk 5 negeri yang di perintah oleh PAS, PKR dan DAP.. mereka perlu berkerja keras, bekerjasama, selaraskan idea... ini amat penting kerana rakyat melihat dan menilai kerja-kerja kita. Jangan cepat melatah.. Supaya tahun 2013 kita tidak kehilangan satu pon dari 5 buah negeri nih... dan berharap agar kita dapat dapat tambah satu atau dua negeri lagi. InsyaAllah..
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Shah Rukh Khan dapat datuk???.... Malaysia dah kekurangan orang yg berjasa semenjak Pak Lah naik jadi PM.. jadi kepada Shah Rukh Khan la title datuk di beri. Kesian kepada orang yang bekerja siang dan malam untuk menjaga kebersihan bandar-bandar di malaysia... mereka ni lebih layak kalo nak di bandingkan dengan SRK nih. Ini la dia kebodohan pemimpin yang ada di Malaysia.. ni yg di kata.. tak mengenang jasa.. Apa la jasa SRK nih... Pemimpin macam ni buat malu bangsa dan negara jer.
Kenapa kita perlu ada pemimpin mcm ni? Kenapa ada rakyat yang masih mengundi pemimpin macam nih? Mengapa perlu kita ada pemimpin mcm nih... kesian rakyat Malaysia... kesian pengundi di Malaysia.
Kenapa kita perlu ada pemimpin mcm ni? Kenapa ada rakyat yang masih mengundi pemimpin macam nih? Mengapa perlu kita ada pemimpin mcm nih... kesian rakyat Malaysia... kesian pengundi di Malaysia.
Friday, October 10, 2008
PM dan TPM Malaysia
Berita pengumuman Pak Lah tidak bertanding untuk calon Presiden Umno tidak mengejutkan. Cuma masa dan ketika jer. Jadi sapa korang rasa jadi PM Malaysia? Najib Razak, Ku Li atau Dsai? TPM plak sapa yer? Muhyidin Yassin atau Mat Taib... nauzubillah kalau Mat Taib jadi TPM.. nak masuk negara orang pon tak gheti.. Apa nak jadi ngan Umno Selangor.. BUKAK MATA.. BUKAK TELINGA wehhh!!!! UMNO SELANGOR... dah takde orang lain ke korang nak calon... Layak ker Mat Taib nih jadi TPM.. cuba la korang singkap kembali kebodohan Mat Taib nih wahai UMNO SELANGOR... awat dok bebal sangat...!!!!!
Yang pasti aku tak mau sapa-sapa dari Umno jadi PM.. masa untuk peralihan sudah tiba... DSAI wut are u waiting for? 13th October is just around the corner.. before Malaysia become bancrupt like Iceland.. this is the time to save MALAYSIA!!!! Muhyidin Yasin.. hmmm.. entah la.. aku tak nampak kaliber dia sebagai seorang TPM.. jauh sekali PM. Kuli for PM.. maybe he is too old already... dah 70++ umur.. aku rasa baik Ku Li tumpu kat menda yg lebih faedah.
DSAI maybe is the right person... yer mungkin dia ada sejarah semasa dengan UMNO dulu.. dan selama dalam tahanan mungkin menyebabkan dia berubah to be a better person, father, husband and leader himself. Mungkin ada yang setuju dan mungkin ada yg tidak setuju ngan aku... tapi dlm PR sendiri kita mempunyai ramai intelektual yg boleh membantu DSAI membentuk kerajaan.
PKR, PAS dan DAP mesti bekerjasama untuk memastikan yg kita bertukar kerajaan.. sebelum.. negara kita Malaysia ni hancur di tangan mereka ni...
Yang pasti aku tak mau sapa-sapa dari Umno jadi PM.. masa untuk peralihan sudah tiba... DSAI wut are u waiting for? 13th October is just around the corner.. before Malaysia become bancrupt like Iceland.. this is the time to save MALAYSIA!!!! Muhyidin Yasin.. hmmm.. entah la.. aku tak nampak kaliber dia sebagai seorang TPM.. jauh sekali PM. Kuli for PM.. maybe he is too old already... dah 70++ umur.. aku rasa baik Ku Li tumpu kat menda yg lebih faedah.
DSAI maybe is the right person... yer mungkin dia ada sejarah semasa dengan UMNO dulu.. dan selama dalam tahanan mungkin menyebabkan dia berubah to be a better person, father, husband and leader himself. Mungkin ada yang setuju dan mungkin ada yg tidak setuju ngan aku... tapi dlm PR sendiri kita mempunyai ramai intelektual yg boleh membantu DSAI membentuk kerajaan.
PKR, PAS dan DAP mesti bekerjasama untuk memastikan yg kita bertukar kerajaan.. sebelum.. negara kita Malaysia ni hancur di tangan mereka ni...
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Pak Lah to go Come March

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 8 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi will not defend the Umno presidency.
He told leaders of the Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties here today that he will quit as party president by March next year.
This will pave the way for Datuk Seri Najib Razak, who is favoured to win the party presidency, to take over as Prime Minister if BN remains in power then.
"I will not stand for the presidency of Umno in the coming elections. My current term as Umno president ends in March next year," he told reporters after the meeting.
Bringing the curtains down on over 45 years of civil service and governance, he said that his decision was to make sure there would be no split in either Umno or BN.
"I have always been guided by my conscience. I do not want a divided party and governing coalition but one that is united. This is not the time for infighting," he explained.
He reiterated that between now and March, he would continue to push his reform platform.
Abdullah promised to table in Parliament legislation for the formation of a Judicial Appointment Commission and an anti-corruption body modelled after Hong Kong's Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC).The prime minister said he hoped to hand over the reins to his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
"I say hope because he is standing for election as president of Umno first. I believe he can win," he said, adding that the hand-over of the premiership would be discussed after Najib was elected as his successor by Umno.
According to Abdullah, the supreme council had accepted Najib as the designated successor.
When asked what he would do if nominated by Umno divisions for the party polls, he replied, "I have made my decision and I have said so. What can I do if they nominate me when I have informed them of my decision at such an early stage?"
He however, admitted that he had not done well enough in the March 8 general elections, where BN lost its two-thirds majority in Parliament and ceded five state governments to the opposition.
"So it's time somebody else takes over. We need a new generation of leaders and there's nothing wrong with that."
"I do not regret what I've done. How the people act and respond to that is up to them to decide," he replied when asked if he was sorry that he had opened up and liberalised the country.
"I feel alright. BN still leads, it is the party that has formed the government and will remain strong until next General Election." <-- Finally!!! The old man have made his decision.. willingly or forcefully... We have seen some flip-flop, undecisived decision making from the PM and who will be the next Prime Minister of Malaysia? Tan Sri Najib?? Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Ku Li or even Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim??? Well the best guy for the job is for sure DSAI. 5 months to go.. anything can happen!!! He might at the end decide to run again... as for we know how good he is in making some flip flop decision. Should TSN became PM it will become the end of RPK. Will Malaysia be forever free from bribery? cronism? ISA? back stabbing in politics? money politics? Will the economy recover again? Do Malaysian will have to pay more for petrol or less? We will have to wait and see.
He told leaders of the Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties here today that he will quit as party president by March next year.
This will pave the way for Datuk Seri Najib Razak, who is favoured to win the party presidency, to take over as Prime Minister if BN remains in power then.
"I will not stand for the presidency of Umno in the coming elections. My current term as Umno president ends in March next year," he told reporters after the meeting.
Bringing the curtains down on over 45 years of civil service and governance, he said that his decision was to make sure there would be no split in either Umno or BN.
"I have always been guided by my conscience. I do not want a divided party and governing coalition but one that is united. This is not the time for infighting," he explained.
He reiterated that between now and March, he would continue to push his reform platform.
Abdullah promised to table in Parliament legislation for the formation of a Judicial Appointment Commission and an anti-corruption body modelled after Hong Kong's Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC).The prime minister said he hoped to hand over the reins to his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
"I say hope because he is standing for election as president of Umno first. I believe he can win," he said, adding that the hand-over of the premiership would be discussed after Najib was elected as his successor by Umno.
According to Abdullah, the supreme council had accepted Najib as the designated successor.
When asked what he would do if nominated by Umno divisions for the party polls, he replied, "I have made my decision and I have said so. What can I do if they nominate me when I have informed them of my decision at such an early stage?"
He however, admitted that he had not done well enough in the March 8 general elections, where BN lost its two-thirds majority in Parliament and ceded five state governments to the opposition.
"So it's time somebody else takes over. We need a new generation of leaders and there's nothing wrong with that."
"I do not regret what I've done. How the people act and respond to that is up to them to decide," he replied when asked if he was sorry that he had opened up and liberalised the country.
"I feel alright. BN still leads, it is the party that has formed the government and will remain strong until next General Election." <-- Finally!!! The old man have made his decision.. willingly or forcefully... We have seen some flip-flop, undecisived decision making from the PM and who will be the next Prime Minister of Malaysia? Tan Sri Najib?? Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Ku Li or even Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim??? Well the best guy for the job is for sure DSAI. 5 months to go.. anything can happen!!! He might at the end decide to run again... as for we know how good he is in making some flip flop decision. Should TSN became PM it will become the end of RPK. Will Malaysia be forever free from bribery? cronism? ISA? back stabbing in politics? money politics? Will the economy recover again? Do Malaysian will have to pay more for petrol or less? We will have to wait and see.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Malaysians believe BN's ethnic management key to stability
By Shannon Teoh
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 8 - Two-thirds of Malaysians polled in a recent survey agree that the Barisan Nasional (BN) method of managing ethnic diversity is a key factor in political stability.
A survey by the Merdeka Centre also revealed that 55 per cent of Malaysians it surveyed agreed that BN represents the voice of all ethnic communities and is the best platform for inter-ethnic cooperation and power-sharing.
The survey also suggested Malaysians polled were evenly split when it came to the question of whether BN should become a single multi-racial party.
A total of 51 per cent agreed that BN should become a single party while 42per cent disagreed.
"It reflects that when BN was strong and united, we were politically stable. There was peace and we all made a good living and it helped grow the economy and kept everyone happy," Labis MP Chua Tee Yong said.
Across the board, Chinese and Indians were not as supportive of BN while Bumiputeras, including those from East Malaysia, were happier with BN.
"It shows that BN is not a total disaster. If the majority of one community says it is still a working solution, you can't totally chuck it out," political analyst Khoo Kay Peng offered.
"The problem is they've taken racial politics to an extreme where the other communities are consistently disagreeing.
"Since BN sells on racial consensus it is a big problem even though you are still workable now because it means the slide will continue and boil over resulting in the Chinese moving to other parties."
However, Pulai MP Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed said that this was only natural as Bumiputeras, being the majority community, must take the lead in any change.
"Bumis believe that the BN model is correct and any positive reform in ethnic relationships must start with them. And once these changes are in place, then the Chinese and Indians will return to the fold."<<-- I think bumis should have a change of heart.. try something new.. thinking outside the box. Thats's why bumis are lagging behind. Being held by this so call "adat". Typical malay words "takpe" always being use and i dunno why? is it the mentality of malays? It's always been Malays, Chinese, Indians and other ethnics. Why it shouldn't be malaysian. Why do we have to go to this racial tensions.. creating uneasiness between us?
By Shannon Teoh
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 8 - Two-thirds of Malaysians polled in a recent survey agree that the Barisan Nasional (BN) method of managing ethnic diversity is a key factor in political stability.
A survey by the Merdeka Centre also revealed that 55 per cent of Malaysians it surveyed agreed that BN represents the voice of all ethnic communities and is the best platform for inter-ethnic cooperation and power-sharing.
The survey also suggested Malaysians polled were evenly split when it came to the question of whether BN should become a single multi-racial party.
A total of 51 per cent agreed that BN should become a single party while 42per cent disagreed.
"It reflects that when BN was strong and united, we were politically stable. There was peace and we all made a good living and it helped grow the economy and kept everyone happy," Labis MP Chua Tee Yong said.
Across the board, Chinese and Indians were not as supportive of BN while Bumiputeras, including those from East Malaysia, were happier with BN.
"It shows that BN is not a total disaster. If the majority of one community says it is still a working solution, you can't totally chuck it out," political analyst Khoo Kay Peng offered.
"The problem is they've taken racial politics to an extreme where the other communities are consistently disagreeing.
"Since BN sells on racial consensus it is a big problem even though you are still workable now because it means the slide will continue and boil over resulting in the Chinese moving to other parties."
However, Pulai MP Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed said that this was only natural as Bumiputeras, being the majority community, must take the lead in any change.
"Bumis believe that the BN model is correct and any positive reform in ethnic relationships must start with them. And once these changes are in place, then the Chinese and Indians will return to the fold."<<-- I think bumis should have a change of heart.. try something new.. thinking outside the box. Thats's why bumis are lagging behind. Being held by this so call "adat". Typical malay words "takpe" always being use and i dunno why? is it the mentality of malays? It's always been Malays, Chinese, Indians and other ethnics. Why it shouldn't be malaysian. Why do we have to go to this racial tensions.. creating uneasiness between us?
Anwar clears first hurdle in sodomy trial
Anwar clears first hurdle in sodomy trial
Beh Lih Yi Oct 7, 08 12:12am
updated 7.55pm The court rules in his favour by rejecting a preliminary objection by the prosecution, paving the way for the opposition leader to argue why he is against the transfer of his case to a higher court. <<--- Is this a good sign for us? I hope so.. it's been quiet in the front line since hari raya. The attempt to make the trial difficult for DSAI have been rejected by the court. This is the first step to a fair trial hopefully. The malaysia judiciary system have been in shambles... and minister of justice department have resign... well it seems that the reform for judiciary system won't happen. I can't imagine the person who want to reform did not get any support fron his own party... and where should this guy go to? Maybe to PR who want to reform our beloved Malaysia. We hope for the better future for our country sake.. children sake...
Beh Lih Yi Oct 7, 08 12:12am
updated 7.55pm The court rules in his favour by rejecting a preliminary objection by the prosecution, paving the way for the opposition leader to argue why he is against the transfer of his case to a higher court. <<--- Is this a good sign for us? I hope so.. it's been quiet in the front line since hari raya. The attempt to make the trial difficult for DSAI have been rejected by the court. This is the first step to a fair trial hopefully. The malaysia judiciary system have been in shambles... and minister of justice department have resign... well it seems that the reform for judiciary system won't happen. I can't imagine the person who want to reform did not get any support fron his own party... and where should this guy go to? Maybe to PR who want to reform our beloved Malaysia. We hope for the better future for our country sake.. children sake...
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